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be in somebody’s graces
受某人恩宠  detail>>
风度, 恩遇, 魅力 格拉斯 美惠女神 美惠三女神  detail>>
the graces
美惠三女神  detail>>
airs and graces
盛气凌人 装腔作势, 做作  detail>>
lace and graces
花边舞  detail>>
odes and the graces
颂诗与恩典  detail>>
the three graces
三美神之舞 希腊三女神  detail>>
with airs and graces
娇滴滴  detail>>
 n.  有相当身分的人,重要人物。 think oneself to be (a) somebody 自以为是个大人物。 nobodies posing as some...  detail>>
great graces and favours
覃思隆情  detail>>
mediatrix of all graces
诸惠(宠)中保  detail>>
social graces social graciousness
社会风尚  detail>>
two or three graces
雅事二三  detail>>
love somebody hate somebody
爱一个人恨一个人  detail>>
somebody frozen by somebody
某人被某人冻结(防守)  detail>>
above somebody
深奥  detail>>
agree with somebody
同意某人的意见  detail>>
at somebody coming in
有一个人正走进来  detail>>